TOP-Effective with Microsoft Teams
Our Teams Tips and Tricks series gives you important information to help your employees work together more productively from anywhere in the world. Today, we've taken a closer look at the "Record Teams Meetings" and "Slash Commands" features. (And for those who want to get to know Teams first, there's a starter video at the end of the post).
Record team meetings
The Teams Meeting Recording feature is very useful for anyone who frequently attends meetings. During a meeting with your teammates, there are often many specific things you want to refer back to later. When you record a meeting in Teams, you have the ability to access the audio, video, and screen sharing activities later as well. Recorded meetings are stored in Microsoft Stream. This shares the meeting with the entire team. The three dots will take you to the appropriate menu where you can select "Start Recording". After finishing, you can also close the recording there.
Slash commands
Teams can be customized to your liking by enabling certain features or experimenting with different settings. But what is really important is to finish with the tasks at hand as quickly as possible. For this purpose there are slash commands (/) in Teams. To do this, use the slash (/)- followed by a command.
Here you can find some useful slash commands:
/goto - jump to a team or a channel.
/call - call someone directly
/chat - send a quick message to a team member
/activity - show the activity of a person
/whatsnew - display what is new in the team
/mentions - show all mentions
/saved - to show your saved list
/unread - show unread activities
/keys - show a list of all key combinations
/available (or away, brb, dnd and busy) - set a status
You can find more commands in the search box at or go through Microsoft Support
Teams Starter Video
It pays to keep at it! Our tips and tricks will help you use teams even better in your company to facilitate communication. With teams, your employees get their work done in less time. If you have any questions about teams and the Modern Workplace, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your challenge!