
Webcast: Tidying up your data jungle

Learn how to optimally manage your company data and comply with legal requirements in just 45 minutes - with Dr Daniel Burgwinkel.

Note: This Webcast is only available in german language.

In our fast-moving digital world, data is more than just information - it is often subject to strict legal regulations. What needs to be considered in the life cycle of data when creating, processing, archiving and deleting it? In addition to the regulatory aspects, we will show you trends in dealing with AI and provide you with best practices.

We will guide you through the data jungle - whether file servers, Microsoft 365 data or data from specialised applications. What does your company need for which data and what do technical terms such as records management mean? What is the difference between archiving and backup?


Together with the recognised expert Dr Daniel Burgwinkel from the Competence centre Records Management (KRM) you will receive answers to these questions in just 45 minutes and learn how to optimise the management of your company's data.


  • Welcome and introduction
  • Overview of document management & archiving
  • Regulatory aspects Best practices and strategies
  • Support options for your company
  • Questions & answers


Your benefit

In our webcast, we will give you a practical insight into the complex data jungle. We will also show you which technical and organisational measures are necessary in order to continue to meet the requirements of the Swiss Data Protection Act.


Dr. Daniel Burgwinkel

Partner, KRM



Sven Lüders

Consultant & Teamlead
Engineering, Baggenstos


Lukas Bauert

Managed Service
Specialist, Baggenstos


Watch it now and bring light into the darkness of your data jungle.


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